Southern Hills Country Club
Hole 13
Par: 5
Blue: 537
White: 527
Maxwell: 527
Gold: 497
Red: 470
Silver: 446
Men: 10
Women: 8
Sand in play
Water in play
Hole 13 Discussion

The par 5, dogleg left, 13th is a complex hole. The tee shot seems straight forward, but for those attempting to reach the green in two, they must consider the dip in the fairway that can make a risky attempt over water dangerous.

Playing for three allows more options, however, here the fairway bunker on the right can cause trouble for people taking it too conservatively. Unless you're able to turn the corner on the second shot, you risk bringing it into play.

The green complex slopes back-to-front and features bunkers on every side. Complicating matters is a large tree in front of the left-side pond that can create problems for who ends up behind it.

"Reaching this modest length par five in two is more complicated than one might initially assume. First, there is the matter of drawing a good stance in the fairway. Next, shots played from the left side of the fairway require the golfer to be mindful of an oak tree that hangs over the front left pond. In addition, the built-up green pad is only 25 yard deep, making it a tough target to hit and hold with anything other than a good strike. Ending up in any of the back bunkers at Southern Hills is a dire mistake that the golfer will soon regret...

The oak tree just shy of the left pond has dropped many an ill-conceived shot unceremoniously into the water. Precision golf can yield the desired birdie but the hole possesses plenty of peril to snare indifferent tactics."

Source: Golf Course Atlas