Sharp Park Golf Course
Hole 7
Par: 4
Blue: 405
White: 376
Red: 365
Forward: 360
HCP: 4
Women: 2
Sand in play
Water in play
OB in play
Hole 7 Discussion

Fleming, #7 is a downhill par four. Power off the tee makes this hole much easier. Like #6, there is a penalty area on left, and out of bounds on the right, but the fairway is much wider, so it's much easier to keep it in play.

Longer hitters should have an easy time reaching the wide section of the fairway. For players shorter off the tee, the leftward sloping neck of the fairway will likely kick the ball away from the trees on the right side. One should be able to easily play from the deep open red stake area on the left, as it's typically grassy and has usually has no water in it.

The approach shot should be straightforward unless the player does not reach the wide section of the fairway. The worst case scenario is a short, right side shot that doesn't kick down the hill, which will lead to a long approach that will likely move away from the green in the air.

The green slopes strongly back to front, and pin positions can be challenging.