Pacific Grove Golf Links
Hole 12
Par: 5
Blue: 513
White: 497
Red: 480
Men: 4
Women: 2
Rocky Shores
Sand in play
OB in play
Prevailing wind: Left-to-right
Hole 12 Discussion

Stepping over the dunes to the twelfth tee is incredible. The views are spectacular, and they may entice players to take chances they may regret here. Rocky Shores can be a brutal par 5 when the wind is up, dogleg right. Note: the right side (and 13th fairway) is out-of-bounds.

The tee shot is a test of bravery. Most players hitting driver have the length to cut the corner, but putting the ball up against the ocean winds can end in disaster. Shots might move a bit right, or may be easily swept out-of-bounds to the 13th fairway. Shots played too long will end up in the red stake environmental hazard, and cannot be played. A mound on the right side hides a section of sand before the rough emerges again. The safe play is left of this mound, with a knockdown iron.

If the player has managed a drive that lands in the linksy rollers, they may try to reach the green in two. The wind will absolutely help players on this approach, but the false front will make holding the green no easy task.

A safe second is to try and get as far down this section of rollers as possible. The approach from here will likely be semi-blind to the green if the player is below the final ridge. An approach below the hole will be helpful, but can be difficult with the wind now pushing the ball forward somewhat.

"With a dramatic view of the Pacific Ocean running down the entire left-hand side of the fairway, this par five is a true postcard hole. A left to right crosswind, out of bounds on the right, and an undulating fairway may have you writing home about the one that got away. Keep your ball in play and aim for the center of the green to have a chance for par or better."

Source: Pacific Grove Golf Links