Chardonnay Golf Club
Hole 1
Par: 4
Sovereign: 399
Imperial: 385
Double Magnum: 347
Magnum: 336
Bottle: 318
Men: 11
Ladies: 7
Sand in play
Water in play
Hole 1 Discussion

Terroir is a firm handshake. The tee shot asks the player to keep it straight, with fairway bunkers on either side and a creek that crosses the fairway short, all of which will punish any missteps on the first tee. Players who want to play strategically will be rewarded with a better angle by playing to the right side of the fairway.

The approach brings a large bunker short-right of the green into play for most. When the pin is back left, and aggressive tee shot may be more warranted. When the hole is in the front, players can choose a more conservative approach.

Vineyards are considered "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" and are to be played as Lateral Hazard with no exceptions. NO ONE is permitted to enter or play their ball from inside the hazard. Ball should be dropped within two club lengths of the point of entry, no closer to the hole.

Via Chardonnay GC Scorecard