Bennett Valley Golf Course
Hole 3
Par: 4
Blue: 365
Combo (B/W): 365
White: 341
Combo (W/R): 341
Red: 315
Men: 7
Women: 9
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Hole 3 Discussion

The third is the first really gettable hole on the course. It's a mid-length par 4, that plays straight-away. A good drive here will set players up for a short-iron on. The approach here is important, players need to make sure they are on the correct side of the green.

The green has three bunkers guarding it, but more interestingly, there is a ridge the cuts the green in two halves: left and right. The player wants to be on the same side of the green as the hole. Do that, and the player should have a straight-forward two putt. Get close and there should be a good birdie opportunity here.